Good and Right

Wednesday, June 1, 2022, was National Say Something Nice Day. Sounds good, right? But then who decides what is nice to say? And how do we know that the nice thing that we think we should say will be taken as nice? Is nice important? Who decides how we should communicate to each other and what we should say to each other? What does God say about communication?

In the Bible, one of the first words we read is “Word”. In the beginning was the Word. God’s primary form of communication to His created image-bearers is through His Word. His Word is Himself; and the Scriptures are God speaking His truths to us.  God commands us to love His Word, to believe His Word, and to speak His Word to others. Psalm 119 is replete with God’s Word being described as good, right, true, necessary, indispensable, etc. However, since the garden conversation between Eve and Satan, the inhabitants of the world, including Christians, have been encouraged to doubt what God has said and to put His Word, and His Truths as expressed in that Word, on the examination table of the “higher” and, frankly, hateful critics. The world falls for this handling of God’s Word; and weak and unstudied Christians do as well.  These are strong words, and perhaps may be taken as me not being very nice. But they are loving words of warning for believers - “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” Proverbs 27:6 - as we are pressured by the world to accept its manipulation of the Scriptures to support lies.

Christian individuals, Christian families, Christian churches, and Christian organizations are under extreme pressure to say something nice about homosexuality. Many organizations, authors, and movements - in the name of Christianity - are determinedly focused on “educating” Christians to be positive about and accepting of homosexuality. Christian church leaders and other Christian leaders must know what God’s Word says about homosexuality and be able to speak the truth in love to those who insist on saying, “Did God really say?”  And Christian families and individuals need to be decidedly committed to communicating (whether verbally or through writing) in a way that shines light on God’s truth regarding homosexuality.

The link shared below is an excellent interview with Dr. Rosario Butterfield. Dr. Butterfield offers much needed clarity and direction on how the Christian church must think and respond to the current pressures of saying nice things about and accepting homosexuality. I pray that the interview will be a blessing and an encouragement to you and your family. - Principal Brown